Tip by Kerri Molitor Oak Harbor, WA.
A twist on a long-time favorite drill. Traditionally, Queen's Court games plays out 1 ball before rotating a new challenger into the game. To make the drill more realistic, and emphasize the competition and completion of a close game, the Queen's side must defend the serve to score a point, but then score again by defending a Free Ball given to the challengers. The challenging side will always initiate the round with a served ball, but will always be given a "second chance" Free ball to tie the round.
A side must win 2 consecutive points to be the winner, and move forward on the "Queen's Court" side of the net. Overall points can be kept for teams remaining on the queen's side after each round. Games can be played in any combination of players (2 v 2, 3 v 3, 4 v 4, 5 v 5...) Coaches can set teams, or play random. Can be played full court, or modified court spaces.
o.k., so if the challenging side wins the free, then?……………….challenger serve and repeat process?