November 2024 Coaching Tip

Posted by Volley CART on

Tip by McKenna Skaggs.

One of our goals this season was to consistently win in 3 sets (at the Varsity level). We struggled at the beginning of our season with allowing teams to take us to 4 who really shouldn't have, so I created Race to 75.

It's is regular 6 on 6 volleyball to 75 points (3 sets of 25). The intention is to make them play through the tiredness.

However, to mix things up every now and then I taped index cards randomly throughout our scoreboard that added challenges and advantages to the game such as: "for the next 5 balls: middle kills are worth +2" "for the next 10 balls: both sides stuff blocks are worth +2" "for the next 3 balls: OH hitting a 2 kills are +2"

Then every time they went to a new ten's number (10,20,30...70) I had a card that told a position to switch sides "middles switch sides, setters witch sides, libs switch sides and so on; that way they are getting mixed up and working with everyone, plus some of them will then be placed on the losing side and might have to work even harder. 65 and above I had no cards so they just had to play hard the last 10 points. The girls had fun and worked really hard!

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