August 2023 Coaching Tip

Posted by Volley CART on

Tip by Jen Morgan, Lee's Summit, MO.

Three Strikes Serve Receive Game-Split your players into two teams of 6-8 kids each team. One side is serving; the other side is passing to a target (Coach).

Three passers are on-the coach rates each pass 0-3. If the pass is a 2 or 3, the player that passes goes to the end of the passing line, and a new passer steps in. If the player passes a 0 or 1, they get their "first strike" and then go to the wall and pass 50 passes with good form against the wall.

Once done, they get back in with the passers. They would get two more strikes; then they would go join the servers. This continues until you are down to the last three passers, they would be your winners, and teams would switch jobs.

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