The June Coaching Tip of the Month Winner

Posted by Volley Cart on

Tip by Kelly Weiler, Hatch Valley High in Hatch, NM.

Making the most out of drills:

We often don’t have extra bodies around to shag balls so we deplete our 2 carts full of balls when doing repetitive drills, taking extra care that no balls are rolling onto playable area of the court (helps with peripheral vision). Then when the carts are empty coach yells, “pick up all the balls” and the countdown begins. Players then have to work together to shag all of the balls in 5-10 seconds and get back into drill positions. It has become a fun team-building element to our practices with lots of laughing and screaming and LOUD communication. It also helps to time drills, allowing to rotation after one or two cart-fulls, instead of counting balls or watching the clock. 

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